Professor of Physical Oceanography
College of Earth Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-5503
office: Burt Hall 432a
phone: 541-737-2553
email: jim.moum@oregonstate.edu

Xpod deployment / PISTON 2018 (ONR) / R/V Thomas G. Thompson

R/V Elakha in Yaquina Bay (photo credit: D. Chelton)
Research Interests:
- turbulence and mixing in the ocean
- small-scale ocean physics
- nonlinear internal waves
- air-sea interactions
- bottom boundary layers
- developing the instrumentation necessary to get new and detailed observations of small-scale fluid processes
BAS, University of Toronto (Engineering), 1978
MAS, University of Toronto (Engineering), 1979
PhD, University of British Columbia (Physics/Oceanography), 1984
Class Notes:
Acoustics Lectures Winter 2023
Shallow Water Acoustics, Kuperman and Lynch, Physics Today, 2004 S-0031-9228-0410-030-6